Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In Bed: The Kiss by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

This piece is one I have always loved. I think it is one of the few paintings of this time to show something as intimate as a kiss between a man and a woman in bed. It is daring and revolutionary, much like the painting style Lautrec employed. He was one to push the envelope and see what he could get away with. He was changing the norm and fitting what was “in style” to suit what he wanted to express. He gave us a look into something not really painted before.
The color palette he chose was bright with yellow and red yet subdued by all the blue, green and gray. His colors are brighter right around the subjects, but fade away into the background. This effect makes me think it is dark out. The way he paints is reminiscent of looking through a warped or dirty window or even of a pane of glass with rain running down it. The dark slashes of paint near the bottom and around the edges are what make me think of dirt or warping, they seem to send an invisible barrier up between the painting and the viewer, reinforcing the feel of looking in.
The couple seem oblivious to any spectators they may have; they are completely wrapped up in each other. The hold is tender yet fierce as if they are afraid to let go of each other. The painting, for me, shows what being hopelessly in love looks like. They are lost in a world of their own, just happy to have a moment together


  1. This painting offers a refreshing outlook on something we may tend to take for granted, and that we need to be reminded once in a while of the more important things in life.

  2. i've seen quite a few of toulouse-latrec's paintings, but i was not familiar with this one. good choice. good blog.

  3. This painting does show a lot of emotion. I had never seen this piece before, either.

  4. I love this painting it is very similar to the one i had chosen. The way he expresses emotion in his work is truly amazing. I really like the way you described this work of art.
