Friday, April 29, 2011


I am a facebook user. I really can't quite remember when I joined. Probably junior or senior year of high school. I joined mostly on the urging of my family, who all live at least an hour from me. So just like the Myspace fad, I joined.

I currently have 208 friends, of which I maybe talk to a handful. I do know everyone on my facebook, I either went to high school, cosmetology school, church or camp with them. It is mostly a way to keep in touch and check in every once in a while.  I am very cautious about my facebook. Only my friends can see anything I have on there and I am always cautious about what I say. I never put anything on the internet I would not say to my grandmother.

Since I do not have a computer at home, I maybe check my facebook three times in a week.I do believe some people are addicted to it, they constantly are on and get worried when they can't check in.

As for future employers, I am divided. Most companies run a background check and social networking sites are a part of it. As I said I am cautious about what I say, because I know it can and will be looked at. On the other hand, I hate that they can. Facebook is another form of expressing yourself and it shoulf be protected. You can say almost anything you want, why can't you post it. Also I get uncomfortable because to me it feels like an invasion of privacy. I can see both sides, but I'm not completely with either one.a

Facbook can also be scary with people using it for the wrong reasons, like pedifiles and stalkers. It also contributes to cyber-bullying. It can be very dangerous if someone decides to use it in a wrong way.

I think televisions and businesses joining is smart. They make their company seem more accessible and trustworthy because the consumer has a direct line to them.

All in all I think Facebook is a pretty good thing, but just like anything else, people can use it for the wrong thing. My advice is to be cautious but to have fun; life is too short to not enjoy yourself.

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