Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Something to Celebrate?

I was actually watching TV with my mom when there was a dinging like from a bell that resounded from the set. We looked at each other as the annoucer came on and told us the President would be making a speech at 10:30pm. I was automatically worried as most times it is something bad about to be shared. I remember closing my eyes and praying that there had not been another massive attack on our troops. Then the President did not come on when he had been scheduled. This worried me even more as it made me think the worst. Suddenly all the reporters had the answers and began telling how they believed President Obama was going to tell us about the US attack that killedOsama Bin Ladin.

I remember releasing a sigh of relief to know our troops were safe, but I did not feel joy at the news; I felt more numb than anyhing. I looked at my mom and said I hope the people most affected by Sept. 11 could have some peace, but I did not feel the elation I saw on some people's face. The last thing I remember saying is I hoped this did not cause another attack in retaliation.

As for what this has done for the President's administration, I think this may have helped him with the people who started to loose hope in him, but I'm not sure what else it will do other than he will always be the President who was in office when a major terrorist was killed.

I personally do not believe in celebrating the death of any individual. In the United States we hold all life as precious. His life was I life. I'm definatly not saying he should have been able to continue living, but I really don't think it was right to celebrate. Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
Proverbs 24:17

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Presidant Obama will get a boost in his approval rating, and that hopefully the families of lost loved ones will find some comfort in this event.
