Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book to SAVE

Someone once told me there are three things you never discuss in polite company: 1) Sex, 2) Politics, 3) Religion. I tend to follow that rule, unless someone else breaks one first. However here I am going to break one of them.

I believe the Bible should be the Book to keep in a post-apocalyptic world. For just a moment, let's take out the faith factor. Did you know the Bible was the first Book ever published? No lie, Gutenberg, the inventor of the movable printing press, printed the Bible first. If you have a different belief, that is more than fine with me, but you shoulf look at this form a historical standpoint.

Now let's view this is the main light of why I chose the Bible as the Book I would take and hope to share. It is all about faith. Stories meant to inspire courage, faith and show that we are not the first to suffer, nor will we be the last. The faith in someone or something is what gets most of us throught the day, and even if you don't believe, why take thaqt from someone else. I can open the Bible to any page and find something to lift my spirits or make me think.

In a post-apocalyptic world hope is what would be needed most, and that's what the Bible is all about, HOPE.

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