Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UnPlug America

If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings. 

           I do not believe this is a correct statement. It is not television itself that is the issue. The real issues are what we let our children watch and how long they watch it.

           Parents are checked out when it comes to monitoring what their children are up to. Many kids are watching too adult of shows because parents turn on the television as a babysitter. If more parents took advantage of the V-chip and the options of blocking channels, children would not be exposed to inappropriate ideas.

           Also parents are not teaching their children to play outside. We all have a fear of kidnapping and pedofiles. We can't protect our children forever and we have to teach them good values to avoid those situations. The world will not change on it's own, we have to be the forces of change. Instead, due to our busy lives, parents are letting their kids have entirely too much time on front of the TV.

           Last not all television is bad. The Discovery, History, DIY, and PBS are all good channels to bring education to the household. If we unplugged every television we would deprive our children of some wonderful resources.

         What needs to happen is not to completely take away TV, but to make sure what we watch is meaningful and worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence sums it up nicely; we need to make sure what we watch is meaningful and worthwhile. I couldn't agree more.
