Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book to SAVE

Someone once told me there are three things you never discuss in polite company: 1) Sex, 2) Politics, 3) Religion. I tend to follow that rule, unless someone else breaks one first. However here I am going to break one of them.

I believe the Bible should be the Book to keep in a post-apocalyptic world. For just a moment, let's take out the faith factor. Did you know the Bible was the first Book ever published? No lie, Gutenberg, the inventor of the movable printing press, printed the Bible first. If you have a different belief, that is more than fine with me, but you shoulf look at this form a historical standpoint.

Now let's view this is the main light of why I chose the Bible as the Book I would take and hope to share. It is all about faith. Stories meant to inspire courage, faith and show that we are not the first to suffer, nor will we be the last. The faith in someone or something is what gets most of us throught the day, and even if you don't believe, why take thaqt from someone else. I can open the Bible to any page and find something to lift my spirits or make me think.

In a post-apocalyptic world hope is what would be needed most, and that's what the Bible is all about, HOPE.

Favorite Movie

This is probably the absolute last movie anyone would guess to be my favorite, but I can't seem to stop watching it.  Every time I see it again I get a new laugh from a line I didn't find funny before. The humor mostly appeals to men, but imagine my surprise to find out my pastor and Sunday school teacher LOVED this movie. I had to watch it!

The reasons I love this movie so much are:
1) The interaction of all the actors, they seem to have as much fun acting it as the audience does watching it.
2) The way the movie pokes fun at the cliché romantizing of a well-known story.
3) No matter how bad of a day, it will always make me smile and laugh
4) Mel Brooks is a genius!

You may not agree with me on this movie, but please watch it before you pass judgement. It really is one of the best comedies you can own.


Technology is great and terrible at the same time. The reason it is so great is you can stay in touch better and more efficiently than before. It helps us keep better records, store more information, and monitor finances better than ever before.

I feel very torn about techology. On one hand I am a user of technology and I enjoy using it. The I use a phone that can access the internet, I love to text my friends and boyfriend. Keeping in touch is easy and reliable.

On the other hand  I miss getting letters in snail mail. I love the feeling of the paper, the smell of ink and to have something tangible. I love getting letters or a card in the mail. The idea that someone took the time to sit down and think of me and write down something I can keep is etremely special.  People are also missing out on how to interact like a normal person. They cannot look people in the eye and speak in English. They cannot write in complete sentences. They cannot seem to function without their computer or phone. One more reason to be leary of technology is anything you put out there or ever store on a computer, cell phone, iPad ect. is always visable to someone with enough skill to find it...scary.

I do love technology, but as with almost everything else, it needs to be used in moderation. A great lesson for everyone would be to see if they can live without technology for a week. That is a skill we should all have in case of an emergency where technology can't help us. People are only as good as their skills.


Books are the best way to escape. I have always loved to read as a way of coping with the stark reality of what is going on around me. Books help you have an adventure without ever having to get out of your chair or couch. You can be whomever you want to be, from a witch or wizard to an ancient hero such as Achilles. It can open new ideas, worlds, and experiences to you. In books you can see how something you say everyday can have a different meaning and can hurt someone. It can be a tie to a new culture and a is way to see beyond your own experiences.

I have always read anything I can get my hands on. I have read about ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Rome and India. I have read about wars, all the ones America has participated in. I have read about the fall of the Berlin Wall and how the making of the Great Wall of China cost as many lives as a war, if not more.

Books have opened my eyes in a way I could have never done completely on my own. They also allow me to escape this reality when I feel stressed or ready to explode. They are like a stiff drink for me. They calm my nerves and make life a little more bearable.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Something to Celebrate?

I was actually watching TV with my mom when there was a dinging like from a bell that resounded from the set. We looked at each other as the annoucer came on and told us the President would be making a speech at 10:30pm. I was automatically worried as most times it is something bad about to be shared. I remember closing my eyes and praying that there had not been another massive attack on our troops. Then the President did not come on when he had been scheduled. This worried me even more as it made me think the worst. Suddenly all the reporters had the answers and began telling how they believed President Obama was going to tell us about the US attack that killedOsama Bin Ladin.

I remember releasing a sigh of relief to know our troops were safe, but I did not feel joy at the news; I felt more numb than anyhing. I looked at my mom and said I hope the people most affected by Sept. 11 could have some peace, but I did not feel the elation I saw on some people's face. The last thing I remember saying is I hoped this did not cause another attack in retaliation.

As for what this has done for the President's administration, I think this may have helped him with the people who started to loose hope in him, but I'm not sure what else it will do other than he will always be the President who was in office when a major terrorist was killed.

I personally do not believe in celebrating the death of any individual. In the United States we hold all life as precious. His life was I life. I'm definatly not saying he should have been able to continue living, but I really don't think it was right to celebrate. Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
Proverbs 24:17

Friday, April 29, 2011


I am a facebook user. I really can't quite remember when I joined. Probably junior or senior year of high school. I joined mostly on the urging of my family, who all live at least an hour from me. So just like the Myspace fad, I joined.

I currently have 208 friends, of which I maybe talk to a handful. I do know everyone on my facebook, I either went to high school, cosmetology school, church or camp with them. It is mostly a way to keep in touch and check in every once in a while.  I am very cautious about my facebook. Only my friends can see anything I have on there and I am always cautious about what I say. I never put anything on the internet I would not say to my grandmother.

Since I do not have a computer at home, I maybe check my facebook three times in a week.I do believe some people are addicted to it, they constantly are on and get worried when they can't check in.

As for future employers, I am divided. Most companies run a background check and social networking sites are a part of it. As I said I am cautious about what I say, because I know it can and will be looked at. On the other hand, I hate that they can. Facebook is another form of expressing yourself and it shoulf be protected. You can say almost anything you want, why can't you post it. Also I get uncomfortable because to me it feels like an invasion of privacy. I can see both sides, but I'm not completely with either one.a

Facbook can also be scary with people using it for the wrong reasons, like pedifiles and stalkers. It also contributes to cyber-bullying. It can be very dangerous if someone decides to use it in a wrong way.

I think televisions and businesses joining is smart. They make their company seem more accessible and trustworthy because the consumer has a direct line to them.

All in all I think Facebook is a pretty good thing, but just like anything else, people can use it for the wrong thing. My advice is to be cautious but to have fun; life is too short to not enjoy yourself.

Teaching to Fish

I am an English Education major. I chose this field because I have always loved the proverb, "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime." This has always resonated with me.

I love seeing someone's face light up when they finally get something they have struggled with or something they find interesting. I had about five teaachers who really infleunced me, made me want to learn more, and who were techers just because they love to teach. On the other hand, I have had some really bad teachers; they did not care how you did in their class, they were there because it was a secure job or they were a coach that had to teach to justify why they were there and they had no material of their own, they would just borrow from another teacher.

I want to be the teacher that will change a life, maybe not in a profound way, but enough to improve their life. I want to show them they have infinate potential, they can do what they set their minds to do.

I am a patient person, and have had much experience in reaching those who are troubled. I am a good writer and public speaker and I have a genuine want to help people.

When I graduate, I really am not concerned where I would go to teach. An option I am interested in, is the inner-city/underprivaledged school tuition forgiveness. I would love to help those who reall are in a difficult situation in life. I would like to move to a different state, I have always wanted to go west.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UnPlug America

If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings. 

           I do not believe this is a correct statement. It is not television itself that is the issue. The real issues are what we let our children watch and how long they watch it.

           Parents are checked out when it comes to monitoring what their children are up to. Many kids are watching too adult of shows because parents turn on the television as a babysitter. If more parents took advantage of the V-chip and the options of blocking channels, children would not be exposed to inappropriate ideas.

           Also parents are not teaching their children to play outside. We all have a fear of kidnapping and pedofiles. We can't protect our children forever and we have to teach them good values to avoid those situations. The world will not change on it's own, we have to be the forces of change. Instead, due to our busy lives, parents are letting their kids have entirely too much time on front of the TV.

           Last not all television is bad. The Discovery, History, DIY, and PBS are all good channels to bring education to the household. If we unplugged every television we would deprive our children of some wonderful resources.

         What needs to happen is not to completely take away TV, but to make sure what we watch is meaningful and worthwhile.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In Bed: The Kiss by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

This piece is one I have always loved. I think it is one of the few paintings of this time to show something as intimate as a kiss between a man and a woman in bed. It is daring and revolutionary, much like the painting style Lautrec employed. He was one to push the envelope and see what he could get away with. He was changing the norm and fitting what was “in style” to suit what he wanted to express. He gave us a look into something not really painted before.
The color palette he chose was bright with yellow and red yet subdued by all the blue, green and gray. His colors are brighter right around the subjects, but fade away into the background. This effect makes me think it is dark out. The way he paints is reminiscent of looking through a warped or dirty window or even of a pane of glass with rain running down it. The dark slashes of paint near the bottom and around the edges are what make me think of dirt or warping, they seem to send an invisible barrier up between the painting and the viewer, reinforcing the feel of looking in.
The couple seem oblivious to any spectators they may have; they are completely wrapped up in each other. The hold is tender yet fierce as if they are afraid to let go of each other. The painting, for me, shows what being hopelessly in love looks like. They are lost in a world of their own, just happy to have a moment together

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why I Chose Wright State

I chose Wright State University during my college search for numerous reasons, the familiarity, the atmosphere, the location and the opportunities it provides.
WSU is very familiar to me, almost like a second home. My mom worked here for twenty years and on those days when there was no school and no babysitter to be found, I got to spend time on campus. When I finally arrived to start my college career, it felt like I was coming home after a break. The buildings have undergone renovations and not all the same faces are here, but Wright State feels the same.
The atmosphere here is one of a small campus. We are right off of Colonel Glenn Highway, yet it feels as if we are secluded in the woods. The people are always friendly and helpful. Whenever I feel lost or have a question, any staff members are willing to help. It is not just the staff, students are ready to help if they are asked and if they don’t know, they will help you find someone who has the answer. The diversity is refreshing and varied. You see representations of many cultures all around campus.
The location is wonderful for me. As a resident of Fairborn, WSU is never more than fifteen minutes away, with heavy traffic. I feel like my education is not costing me the same in gas as tuition.
Lastly Wright State has many opportunities it provides for students. There are always announcements for options to study abroad, for a scholarship and various other activities to enrich the lives of the student body.
For all these reasons and more Wright State is the university for me.